This video demonstrates how you can create paths and buildings in Theme Park Studio. For those of you who aren’t interested in making buildings from scratch, you will be able to select pre-made buildings and simply plop them down in your park. You’ll also get a first look at the park guests!
PLEASE NOTE! This is a “first look” at the park guests and we are far from done creating them. When Theme Park Studio ships, there will be a wide variety of park guests including male/female, different shapes & sizes, adults/kids, etc…
Theme Park Studio is fully customizable. The sidewalk fences and path textures can be changed. You can create and import new textures. You can select any tree or object to be automatically added when the paths are designed.
One of our goals with Theme Park Studio is to make the game as easy or as advanced as you want it to be. The only limitation is your imagination!
Again, we are so excited and thankful for everyone who has supported us! For those who would still like to help support Theme Park Studio, just go to our private funding page found here;
So set back and enjoy our newest video from Pantera Entertainment and let Theme Park Studio help you to open the gates of your imagination.